Year 10

English Year 10 Unit 1.docx

Year 10 Unit 1

Introduction to English Language

In this unit you will be starting to prepare for your English Language iGCSE examinations by exploring and analysing methods used for effect in both fiction and non-fiction texts, as well as producing your own creative and transactional writing responses.

Year 10 Unit 1 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to win a Golden Ticket, choose a still image/screenshot of a setting from your favourite movie or TV show. Write a full, two-page creative description of the setting, using the skills from the resources and tasks on the Independent Learning Platform for this unit. 

English Year 10 Unit 2.docx

Year 10 Unit 2

Paper 1 Exam

You will be preparing for your English Language Paper 1 exam which is worth 60% of your overall grade for this GCSE. You will be exploring literary non-fiction texts and the methods used by the writers to present different ideas and viewpoints, as well as creating your own piece of imaginative writing based on a prompt.

Year 10 Unit 2 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to earn a Golden Ticket, choose ONE of the imaginative writing prompts below and create a full piece of engaging writing, aiming for 2 - 3 pages of work which applies all of the skills we have developed.



English Year 10 Unit 3.docx

Year 10 Unit 3

Paper 2 Writing

You will be preparing for your English Language Paper 2 exam which is worth 40% of your overall grade for this GCSE. In this unit, you will be focusing on Section B of the Paper 2 exam which develops skills to effectively convey your own thoughts and opinions about different topics. You will explore a variety of language and structural methods to apply to your own creative work in order to engage an audience.

Year 10 Unit 3 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to earn a Golden Ticket, choose ONE of the writing prompts below and create a full piece of engaging argue/persuade writing, aiming for 2 - 3 pages of work which applies all of the skills we have developed.



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Year 10 Unit 4

Paper 2 Reading

In this unit, you will be focusing on Section A of the Paper 2 exam which develops skills to effectively infer, analyse and compare a range of sources which explore different ideas linking to real-world issues our society faces today. You will not only explore how language and structure are used by writers, but also how texts use visual and presentational features effectively

Year 10 Unit 4 Golden Ticket Task

For the opportunity to earn a Golden Ticket, choose a global issue that you are interested in and create your own infographic to present facts, statistics and information about this topic. You will need to conduct your own research to find out more about your chosen global issue, and consider in detail not only what words you will use to present your ideas, but how to visually engage an audience too.

Topics you may consider are: Pollution, climate change, animal extinction, deforestation, gender inequality, wealth inequality, bullying, social media.

Free Online Infographic Maker by Canva