Y10 History

History Year 10 Term 1.1.docx

History Term 1.1

This Term in History you will be learning about the Weimar Republic

Golden Ticket Task 1.1 

Listen to the Real Dictators Podcast on Hitler and compare his rise to power to another Dictator from the Podcast series. 


History Year 10 Term 1.2.docx

History Term 1.2

Golden Ticket Term 1.2

Listen to the Real Dictators Podcast on Hitler and compare consolidation of  power to another Dictator from the Podcast series. 


History Year 10 Term 1.1.docx

History Term 2.1

This Term in History you will be learning about the Weimar Republic

Golden Ticket Task 2.1 

Find a source that shows the impact of Hyperinflation on the people of Germany and answer the following questions: 

History Year 10 Term 1.1.docx

History Term 3.0

This Term in History you will be learning about life in Hitler's Germany

Golden Ticket Task 3.0 

Find a source that shows the impact of Hitler's time in power on the people of Germany and answer the following questions: