Y10 Fine Art

Welcome to Year 10 IGCSE Fine Art

What will you need to be successful in IGCSE Fine Art?

Term 1 Golden Ticket Task  

Let's put your knowledge to the test for a Golden Ticket!

Using skills learnt in lesson, choose 1 mixed media technique from the video and create your own prepared background for your coursework.  Think about choosing the colours relevant to your personal work. 

Term 2 Golden Ticket Task  

Let's put your knowledge to the test for a Golden Ticket!

Using your personal lino, experiment using the two colour process. 

Term 3 Golden Ticket Task  

Let's put your knowledge to the test for a Golden Ticket!

Now that you started your IGCSE Component One coursework. Develop your blending skills and show your outcome for AO3 assessment.

Edexcel IGCSE Fine Art Specification


See pages 49-52 for assessment information

IGCSE Fine Art Student Examples


The example artwork shown on the right achieved the highest mark in the UAE and Middle East in 2021.

Subject Specific Vocabulary

Subject specific vocabulary.docx

Look at these help sheets for the analysis of your own and others artwork.

Artists, Designers and Craftspeople

Art themes and related artists.doc

Click on the link below to discover artists you may use for your coursework.

Artists themes and related artists

Artist flow sheet .pptx

Click on the link below to use the artist analysis flow chart

Artist flow chart

Additional learning links

The British artist, Ian Murphy exclusively visits DIS Visual Arts Department where he delivers a series of workshops for our IGCSE students.  They experience his work first-hand and acquire in-depth knowledge and develop an understanding of artists and their work.