Y10 Geography

Year 10 Template

Year 10 Unit 1

Your first unit in this iGCSE course is Economic Activity and Energy. 

Golden Ticket Task 1

Create a job advert (written or recorded) to advertise for a role in the informal sector for a job and place of your choosing. 

Year 10 Term 2.1

Year 10 Unit 2

Your second unit in this iGCSE course is Coastal Environments.

Golden Ticket Task 2

This task is aimed at developing your teamwork and collaboration skills so you MUST find a partner to work with on this!

Make sure both of you have completed task 1 and 2 beforehand, otherwise you won’t be able to get the Golden Ticket.

The project – In pairs you must create a revision podcast aimed at helping GCSE students revise for the topic of Coastal Environments. You can choose a specific sub-topic within Coastal Environments, or you can summarise the whole topic. In your podcast you must include the following:

Key content: key information, case studies, facts, figures etc

Revision tips: how best to revise, examples

Exam tips: how to answer exam questions, any strategies for 8 markers, referring to the figure etc. 

Year 10 Term 2.2

Year 10 Unit 3

Your third unit in this iGCSE course is Urban Environments.

Golden Ticket Task 3

This task is aimed at developing your teamwork and collaboration skills so you MUST find a partner to work with on this!

Make sure both of you have completed task 1 and 2 beforehand, otherwise you won’t be able to get the Golden Ticket.

The project – In pairs you must create a revision podcast aimed at helping GCSE students revise for the topic of Urban Environments. You can choose a specific sub-topic within Urban Environments, or you can summarise the whole topic. In your podcast you must include the following:

Key content: key information, case studies, facts, figures etc.

Revision tips: how best to revise, examples of good techniques, what works for you etc.

Exam tips: how to answer exam questions, any strategies for 8 markers, referring to the figure etc.