How to setup scan to e-mail

Privacy and security notice

The printer uses an e-mail server to deliver e-mail to a recipient

Step 1  -  Log into the printer's Command Center web page

Step 2  -  Check Network Settings

Check TCP/IP settings

Check TLS settings

Step 3  -  Set E-mail server settings

For older models

E-mail server settings if using Google Gmail

If 2-Step Verification/2 Factor is turned on/in use, you must create a Google App Password for the printer to use with the email address (This is _not_ a Passkey).

... on the printer's web page

Error message: 0x1102

Alternate Sender Address

Additional information

E-mail server settings if using Microsoft

If 2-Step Verification/2 Factor is turned on/in use, you must create a Google App Password for the printer to use with the email address (This is _not_ a Passkey).

... on the printer's web page

Alternate Sender Address (Alias)

E-mail server settings if using Microsoft Office 365

Additional information

Alternate Sender Address

How to set up a multi-function device or application to send email using Office 365

Preparing to use TLS 1.2 in Office 365

Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges

E-mail server settings if using a Microsoft Exchange server

The Microsoft Exchange administrator will advise on the settings to use as there are multiple methods available depending on the version of Exchange and the infrastructure requirements.

Alternate Sender Address

E-mail server settings if using Yahoo mail

If 2-Step Verification/2 Factor is turned on/in use, you must create an app password for the printer to use. (This is _not_ a Passkey).

... on the printer's web page

Additional information

E-mail server settings for Apple iCloud

If 2-Step Verification/2 Factor is turned on/in use, you must create an app password for the printer to use. (This is _not_ a Passkey).

... on the printer's web page

Additional information

E-mail server setting if using other e-mail servers

Step 4  -  Create machine address book entries
