Authentication to the destination has failed

  • Is the username is entered correctly for the environment?
    • username
    • computer name\username
  • If the sender is a _domain_ user, specify the domain name
    • domain name\username
    • username@domain
  • Is the password entered correctly?

Did you specify the correct share name

  • Enter _just_ the share name in the PATH field in the Address Book entry
  • Confirm the FTP path

Does the specified user have access rights/permissions to the share or folder/files location?

  • Confirm the Windows NTFS permissions
  • Confirm the _share_ permissions
  • Confirm the FTP permissions

Are there prohibited characters in the destination name?

The following characters are prohibited

` ~ ! @ # $ ^ & * ( ) = + [ ] { } \ | ; : ' " < > / ?
    • Some (DNS) systems do not process FQDN’s that contain underscores _ correctly

Using Gmail.com for sending email?

  • If you are using a Gmail address for the first time with a device then Google Gmail may have blocked access for the device to log in even though the device is able to resolve smtp.gmail.com
    • Log into the Gmail account and turn on Allow less secure apps