Hawks at NFL Nationals!

Post date: Jul 20, 2013 7:55:04 PM

Nine students from Hendrickson High School traveled to Birmingham, Alabama for the National Forensic League National Tournament on June 16-21. The team earned the NFL Debate School of Excellence award, an honor bestowed on the Top 20 schools competing in debate at the tournament. The tournament had competitors from 1,031 high schools from across the United States, Guam, China and South Korea.

In Policy Debate, Seniors Andrew Barron and Pedro Segura placed 25th and Juniors Samantha Hentosh and Travis Tiffany placed 16th. Sophomore Javid Aboii placed 19th in the Nation in Congressional Debate. Also competing at the meet were HHS Seniors Emily Etnyre and Avery Logan and Sophomores Jordan Rojas and Danielle Williams. Nationally more than 3,000 schools belong to the National Forensic League.

Awesome way to end the school year!!