Warnings for Very Cold Weather Heading to the Mid-Atlantic Region December 15th Through 17th 2016

Post date: Dec 15, 2016 6:26:02 PM

From north to south:

  • Maine is already at 13 degrees. Wind chill warnings in effect, winds could be up to 40mph (per NOAA)
  • New York is bracing for temperatures around 16 degrees, which is about 10 degrees to twice as cold as was predicted by some sources earlier this year.
  • Philadelphia, PA, single digit temperatures potential from today on through tomorrow, wind chill might go below zero tonight, reports snow might hit around Friday or just after
  • Baltimore, Maryland, readying for the possibility of temperatures about the same as New York and lower, (16 for conversation, to) 13 degrees, to around the single digit stage; and this could be accompanied by continued high winds which could exacerbate the severity of the overall conditions. For clarification, right now, 1:20pm EST, Baltimore temperatures are about -4 [negative 4 degrees Celsius, and about 20 degrees Fahrenheit]. Additionally Baltimore City is advising to take precautions which include:
    • Staying in heated indoor structures, as opposed to outside
    • Maintain proper balance of hydration, this usually correlates to drinking enough but not excessive water, and abstain form alcoholic beverages, especially at night if you are alone
    • Altogether do not risk contradicting the advisories; to do something which contradicts the advisories even though you might 'think' it is okay, could endanger you in ways you do not know. For example, going camping and thinking that if you have snowgear on and initially you feel warm that you will be okay, then you fall asleep and your body temperatures drop more than it could handle. When body temperatures drop beyond a certain threshold it could result in medical emergency.
  • Richmond, Virginia area, freezing temperatures expected around middle of the afternoon, with a slight rise a few hours later (per wric.com news)