Mid-Atlantic Region Road Conditions Caution as Extreme Cold Winds Down During Weekend December 17th and 18th 2016

Post date: Dec 17, 2016 8:05:43 PM

This is a follow up from the previous story about severe cold setting in, confer https://sites.google.com/site/etisinteractive/home/top-weather-news/warnings-for-very-cold-weather-heading-to-mid-atlantic-december-15th-through-17th-2016.

Although the temperature might have gotten a bit warmer in the past few hours, a combination of condensation/precipitation/cold/rain/evaporation and other dynamics in the change of climate and temperatures, could result in road conditions that require caution. These elements could be present throughout at least today:

  • Unexpected patches of ice
  • Transparent sheets of ice
  • Visibility less than 100% for time of day
  • Some snow formation on the roads
  • Descriptions could include slushy, slippery, and along those lines

Applicable at least through Saturday evening