Combined Statements and Timelines Regarding Recent Hurricanes and Earthquakes in the Southern Region of the U.S. and Central America

Post date: Sep 21, 2017 1:49:32 AM

September 20, 2017

We feel as though we did not do our job. The websites, the blogs, the collaborative efforts to assist with the warnings of what strongly appears might be to come, may not have been as successful as our hope.

Whether ETIS is alone with these feelings, we will not state for certainty.

As of now, September 20th 2017, the death toll from the recent earthquake is estimated to be now up to over 225.

Puerto Rico has a '100%' electricity power loss.

Areas of the Caribbean have been ravaged, from Hurricane Maria.

A few weeks ago, Hurricane Harvey was coming through certain areas, and eventually waged destruction, with Hurricane Jose to be wary of. Around that time, an earthquake hit Mexico.

Within the past few days, warnings of Hurricane Maria were at priority, with Jose still to be wary of. Another earthquake in Mexico.

Not to be a fortune teller, however, many of us were fortunate enough to learn about sequences in grade school; 1, 3, 5, _, 9, what number is missing? Perhaps not as simple as saying the number 7 is the answer, as science that ties a direct correlation of hurricanes to earthquakes might be a bit more abstract than tying hurricanes to floods, however, given the circumstances and its severity, next time the combination comes through, especially if within the next few weeks, let us be prepared.

Straightforwardly, if another hurricane looks like its starting to materialize with a likelihood of encroaching land in the southern region of the continental U.S., the hope is that seismologists, meteorologists, and those in related fields consider the series events over the past month, and consider the possibilities of an earthquake in the region in or near Mexico.

Importantly, that this leads to precautions, such as evacuations, and structure strengthening, or performed when ideal, preempting mass casualty and property destruction.

And, the subject matter of money comes up; spending and donations has been pouring in after the fact, rescue and rebuilding efforts; it is possible that, on an international level, spending and charity can be done before an event, for instance to assist with evacuations and fortifications before a storm hits land.

There appears to be a loosely constructed 'belt' of hurricane and earthquake affected areas, demarcated by the southern and southeastern U.S. states the northern boundary, and northern South America, the southern boundary, with Central America and island like the Caribbean in the middle.

Earthquake and hurricane paths and locations

Posted by Severe Weather Blog on Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Approximate dates and relevant details from most recent to past:

Earthquake in Mexico, and outlying radius of epicenter extends to about the border of western region of Guatemala

September 19, 2017

7.1 M

Hurricane Maria

September 17th through at least the current date, September 19th 2017

Areas affected thus far include the Caribbean. Strong warnings of the hurricane has in its imminent path Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.

Hurricane Irma

September 9th and 10th, 2017

Areas affected include Florida

Earthquake in Mexico near Chiapas

September 7, 2017

8.1 M

Hurricane Jose

September 5, 2017 main onset, continuing northward on up to the current date and beyond, along the U.S. East Coast with possibilities that it may go as far north as at least New York and Maine; the Bermuda region might be in the path of double backlashes.

Hurricane Harvey

August 17th 2017 to September 3, 2017

Areas affected include Texas