ETISmart on YouTube, SoftwareMove On YouTube... Facebook...

Post date: Feb 15, 2017 6:11:12 PM

We realize that there is a limited number of letters in the standard English alphabet of today, and in the quest for business opportunities, that there could be more than one business using the same names. However, that does not mean that the businesses need to be getting mixed up as to who is who from clients and online audiences.

ETIS International is a registered business. Websites, YouTube names, and social media space which ETIS International has chosen to use, which could be subject to change, are often set forth as a business strategy. We kindly ask that other businesses and YouTube channel developers do not take unethical advantage of the popularity and audience levels we generated by authentic work. This could refer to activities such as using one of our site names or YouTube/DailyMotion sites, and setting up a site with the exact same name for no other purpose than to get our identity confused with something else and rake in the reward of large audiences.

ETIS International has already discussed and addressed this situation, written at least a couple of years ago, designed to leave room for future occurrences, at our Disclaimer page at, under subsection 'Disclaimer on the subject of use of the word ETIS and names of associated websites sites, blogs, spaces, literature and communication mediums'. (Note: temporary grammatical errors on the disclaimer page might have developed resultant of webpage formatting or platform changes.)

In business the business logos can be important. The scenario just described is one of the reasons why.

The ETIS International logo, years in the making, is measured to fit certain proportions, the colors have a meaning, and of course reflect the colors of the United States flag. If you do not see our logos, or those described in our logo identifiers webpage at, please be wary of any and all sites claiming to be ETIS International, ETISmart, ETISworld, and so forth in the framework of doing business as ETIS International.

We are honored to be or have been welcomed to do business with countries from all over the world. And as we said, when on a global scale businesses look for business names from a narrow pool, if a same name usage situation happens by mistake after due diligence that is one thing, to intentionally disrupt the flow of business and other mischief is something else.