Mid-Atlantic Region Expected to See Combination of Ice, Snow, and Slush with DC Area Hardest Hit Today and Tomorrow March 21, 2018

Post date: Mar 21, 2018 12:15:57 AM

Today's downfall of a substance of some sort, somewhere between frozen ice and snow, variating from location to location and from hour to hour, caused for not the best of road conditions.

Overlapping until tomorrow, the downfall could be a prelude to an actual snowfall, some news reports are saying up to about a foot of snow.

Not to rationalize, as anything could happen, however, because there has been a warmer winter generally, excepting the freeze storm that occurred about a month and a half ago where pipes froze and many closures followed, the likelihood that there will be straight white snow adding up to a foot from a prediction standpoint is about 50%.

Foreseeable is a huge amount of slush, especially on roads.

One less vehicle accident.

This might not be 'extreme weather', however, precautions couldn't hurt.

The DC area could be hit the hardest, then working its way out to the outlying regions of the suburbs of Virginia, on up to Baltimore, then waning away but still existent as traced further northward.

Safety of course a primary objective.