Computer welcome screens

Screen 1
Screen 2

Updates automatically auto-populate on your screen

Screen 3

Content copied from 11 18 2014 post on the Facebook page ETIS International:

Developing the welcome screens for future computer laptop and tablet computers. YourLinkboard is available in with links to popular and often used sites, such Google search, YouTube, Facebook, and Amazon. With the emergence of the tiles technology used in platforms such as new Windows, YourLinkboard might still help some, however, the welcome tile page in Windows pretty much accomplishes what YourLinkboard set out to do. Time moves on, technology moves forward. Moving ahead in time, there are other user convenient objectives that can be accomplished. To explain the concepts for the welcome screens in the future, there will be a series of a few diagrams intended to be set at the ETIS Interactive site on Google Sites, possible a brief YouTube silent movie as well. In the meantime, the first of the screens is uploaded here using a MS Paint diagram. The concept looks like an extension of the Windows tiles, and a multiplication table, where you have categories and options of what you want the tiles to be, then in 3D format, behind each tile is a hanging file folder set of options. For example, on the upcoming bills due tile, is an option for car notes, with folders of the details for each car.

The concept works like a virtual version of the old card catalog file cabinets in libraries, remindful of MS Excel programs. Behind each drawer is a series of cards with notes on them.

To set forth basics of the idea, the initial welcome screens, is a 3 screen process, where the 1st screen is the overview of the file, the 2nd screen has the automatic updates, and the 3rd screen has the open card file or hanging files in 3-dimension. The order of the screens is interchangeable. Theoretically, you could have the content of all 3 screens put on 1 screen, in a 3 part screen.

On the 1st screen, and details of files screen, the tile will blink or oscillate, if there is a warning concerning an account, such as an account is about to be overdrawn if a check you wrote in a series of dated checks to pay off a creditor is honored without you making a deposit with the next 3 or 4 days.


Additional notes:

How to choose what tiles?

In your computer, go to the select options screen, and either select from a list, or manually enter the information. See diagram below.

Needs might be different respective to type of computer, mobile, or office, or residential. A request to meet in a coffee shop in the next 5 minutes, might not be applicable to a desktop at the house.

The My Dashboard welcome screen changes as customized.

A merged fields screen could look something like this: