'Hurricane' 'Michael' Destroys

Post date: Oct 12, 2018 3:45:50 AM

There are some unpredicatble punches the storm named Micheal has pulled, pulling, and could pull.

Numerous houses were destroyed.

About a half dozen deaths reported since last night.

At this point, it is very clear it needs to be stated very clearly, this storm is a danger.

Advisories of officials are highly recommended to be heeded at least.

From the mid-Atlantic, win terms of north to south, about half, the southern half of the rgion all the way down to Florida, need to maintain a level of alert, readiness, and generally prudent precautions, in case something develops that has not been predicted about the storm.

(ETIS is veering away from calling the storm a hurricane, as it may be evident there are some other elements outside the scope of a hurricane.)