A Round of Snow Emerging in Northeast from New York Southward on Through Baltimore

Post date: Mar 3, 2019 9:37:09 PM

Right now, 4:30pm E.S.T., New York, New Jersey, Boston and Baltimore, Maryland all have temperatures a few degrees over freezing. The recipe is set for what might a last or close to the last round of snows before the spring starts setting in. The suspense is, how much and how severe is the snowfall going to be, and how long is the snow going to stay on the ground causing problems?

The snow might just be another snow for this time of year, or, it could get as bad as a major disruption to traffic, schools, and working day. However, there is a good chance that it is not going to have the depth of severity as previous years where there will snow packed on the side of the roads for weeks at a time, and major water pipes bursting. If there is over a foot, it will probably melt within a day or two, because of the preconditions over the past few weeks.

State of Emergency already declared in New Jerse.

Importantly, is to be prepared for a snow emergency in case it does get bad.

Roads salted.

Stocked food in the house, in case getting to stores is not accessible.

Lighting equipment in case power goes out.

Heat in the house.

Have an extra few minutes of gasoline in vehicles in case of prolonged traffic.

Hardest affected areas between now and tomorrow:

  • Southeast Maine
  • Coast line areas for all states south to Pennsylvania
  • Allentown, PA
  • Frostburg, MD

Major cities that might be affected:

  • New York, NY
  • Allentown, PA
  • Boston, MA
  • Baltimore, MD