We have a new favicon

Post date: Jul 12, 2012 2:21:18 AM

ETIS has developed a favicon, that it will try to use consistently throughout our websites. We know that it isn't going to be a smooth transition or an overnight process.

A little about the process that went into developing the favicon:

We took the new logo, which uses the basic colors of the American flag, and filled in the monitor frame, and keyboard, in red. Because a favicon is so minute, it will be hard to see or read all the details in our standard logo.

For the favicon, we removed the photo of the earth, which was furnished by NASA, and in place, found a screen snapshot of a Google Earth photo of the earth, in parenthesis, that was not so cloudy. At the same time we are acknowledging Google Earth provided the main portion of the picture, to commensurate level.

Can a computer screen hold all the affairs of the earth, can the earth hold all the interactory developments of computers and information technology? So, we positioned the cropped snapshot of the earth adjacent the modified logo, and, to represent the interaction of the earth with computer technology, the horizontal and vertical lines are placed adjoined.

What is a favicon? My guess is the etymology is a combination of favorites and icon. A favicon is the little picture representing an entity that shows in the upper left hand corner of the either the browser address bar, or tab of the webpage you are viewing.