Shops & Trades 2

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Wilkinson - Newsagent, confectioner & tobacconist

H. J. Wilkinson and Barnsdale & Sons - Market Place

1988 - To the left of the Post Office (no.9) is the entrance to Goxhill Avenue, formerly Gas House Lane, with Barnsdale Butchers (no.7) to the right.

c1988 - Goxhill Avenue, formerly Gas House Lane, to the left of the Post Office at no. 9 High Street

c 2002 Post Office - no. 9 High Street

Rawlinson's shop - in the front yard of The Queen Inn - no. 49 Station Street

Rawlinson's shop - in the front yard of The Queen Inn Station Street

George Edward Rawlinson

1964 London Gazette - Rawlinson in receivership 

Hardware shop - nos. 1 to 3 Station Street, opposite Dial Hall

Browns Grocer & Draper - nos. 1 to 3 Station Street, opposite Dial Hall

Post Office - Market Place - Church Street

Post Office - Market Place - Church Street

Post Office - Market Place - Church Street

The shop with the canopy was a butcher's shop and formerly The White Hart Inn 

2018 Site of Old Post Office - Market Place

Sharpe's Market

Sharpe's Market - Market Place

Sharpe's Market in School Lane - demolished c1966

Sharpe's Market in School Lane - demolished c1966

Courtesy of Roger Gurney

Sharpe's Market in School Lane - demolished c1966

Courtesy of Roger Gurney

2004 Location of former Sharpe's Market in School Lane

1916 Newspaer article - Arthur Sharpe, grocer, disorderly conduct

c1920 Thomas Elsam - Tailor & Outfitter

c 2011 - 33 High Street - George Barnsdale Security

c2002 - 33 High Street,  B.J. Videos & George Barnsdale Security Group.

1960s F. Wilson baker at no. 33 High Street. To the right, no's 31, 29, and 27 long demolished.

c 2002 Tulipland Butchers - Market Place

c 2002 'Ming House' Chinese Takeaway - Market Place

c 2002 Holts - Church Street

1907 Newspaper ad 'George Holt, Wire Merchant'

Fred Holt's Shop

1899 Newspaper report of a gruesome accident

1873 Newspaper notice - the late G. Dolby's House, Shop & Premises to let in Market Place