Old Police Station

19 High Street

Demolished and replaced with the B.T. Telephone exchange

Courtesy Harry Johnson

Past Police Sergeants from census and newspaper records: from 1955 Sgt. Crow, up to 1955 Sgt. Walden, 1939 Sgt. Poll, 1911 J. Rawding,  1901  John Davey, 1891 Henry Bulley,  1881 John Clarke, 1871 Henry Fahy, 1861 George Dykes

BT Telephone exchange on the site of the old police station

1858 Newspaper notice - "Tenders for building a Police Station"

1859 Newspaper notice - "Tenders for building boundary walls and fencing"

1917 Newspaper notice - Donington Police Station 'now in continuous telephone communication'

1859 Mr George Dykes, Sergeant

1939 Sergeant Poll retires

1939 Special Constables sworn-in

1953 Newspaper report of ex Sgt. William Poll's death

1955 Sergeant Gilbert Walden promoted and succeeded by Sgt. Crow