Crime & Tragedy

A selection of old newspaper reports

1848 Youths steal pears!

1911 Frank Francis, Bootmaker, fined

1891 Terrible Murder

1889 Terrible Accident on the railway

1938 Audacious Theft

1887 Travelling showman Robert Barwick drunk & disorderly in the Market Place

1849 Moses Hall committed

1881 Fatal Accident at river

1844 Theft from Dolby's Ironmongers

1922 'Exciting fire' at Barnsdales yard.

1924 'Woman drowned in water butt'

1938 'Car on fire'

1905 'Feather factory destroyed'

The factory was at the north end of Browntoft Lane. The original Bicker Road passed to the south of the site. The 'new' A52 now runs north of the site.

1906 Map showing Feather Factory location with Browntoft Lane

1857  Henry Basford, Chimney sweep, committed for begging.

1938 Pigeons stolen from Henry Abbott

1939 'Donington boy's lapse' at Chapman's fried fish shop

1939 'Fatal fall downstairs' at Crossgate Farm