Quadring's Worship Places

St. Margaret's Church - Cross Gate

1939 Newspaper - Lightning damages Quadring Church

1939 Newspaper - Lightning damages Quadring Church

Salem Chapel (site of) Particular Baptist, off Town Drove. It was demolished long ago, but a small private burial ground and baptismal pool remain.

1972 Brothers Graham & Lawrence Crosby, in the Salem Baptist Chapel graveyard, which lies off Town Drove. 


1858 Newspaper - Marriage notice at The Salem Chapel

1866 Newspaper - "Lectures at the Salem Chapel"

1943 Newspaper - "Link with Florence Nightingale"

1940 Newspaper - Private burial ground

Ebenezer Chapel - General Baptist - Water Gate - converted to residential.

Primitive Methodist Chapel - Town Drove (was at the rear of The Red Cow) - demolished in the 60s, a bungalow now occupies the site.