Matthew Flinders

Born: 16th March 1774 Donington

Died: 19th July 1814 London

Captain Matthew Flinders RN, was an English navigator and cartographer, who was the leader of the first circumnavigation of Australia and identified it as a continent. Flinders made three voyages to the southern ocean between 1791 and 1810 

Link to English Heritage's Blue Plaque entry for his address in London:

Memorial plaque attached to the front of the 'new' house

The lead breast plate of Captain Matthew Flinders' coffin, discovered during archaeological works in preparation for the HS2 rail link at Euston - 2019

Plaque dedicated to 'Trim' his cat,  at Mitchell Library, Sydney 

Sash Badge

Memorial to the marriage of Matthew Flinders to Ann Chapelle - St Nicholas Church in Partney Lincolnshire 

Mauritius memorial, where Flinders was wrongly held as a prisoner-of-war in 1803 for 7 years.

Matthew Flinders' birthplace adjacent to Dial Hall - this original building no longer exists.

Another view of Matthew Flinders' birth place adjacent to Dial Hall