The Black Bull

Market Place

"It is a matter of historical record that a deep drain, wide enough for navigation, ran through the centre of Donington and by the Black Bull Hotel, which was reached by means of a bridge from the market-place"

c 2016

Some of the Publicans at The Black Bull

1841 Census - Sarah Challans
1851 Census - William & Mary Artindale
1861 Census - John & Sarah Pearson
1881 Census - Frederick & Mary Upton
1891 Census - Frederick & Mary Upton
1911 Census - George Lambert
1921 (about) -  William Patterson
1935 (about) - Alfred Rudkin
1939 Register - George Turner

c 2002

c 2002

c 2004 - The Black Bull

1938 Newspaper article "The Swinging Sign" - Black Bull

The Black Bull Hotel with village pump in foreground

circa 1938

1927 Decease of Mr. Herbert Lumby, employed at The Black Bull

1825 Newspaper notice - William Graham takes over