Donington Illustrated

Here, you'll find an extensive collection of historical photographs, newspaper cuttings, documents and texts relating to the town and area of Donington, in South Lincolnshire. It also includes QUADRING and a link to BICKER

If you have access to old photos or useful information that you'd like to share, please email us.

1579 Map revealing a waterway out of 'Dunyngton' - HP1

"It is a matter of historical record that a deep drain, wide enough for navigation, ran through the centre of Donington and by the Black Bull Hotel, which was reached by means of a bridge from the market-place"

The village is first recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 in the hundred of Kirton, as Donnicture or Duninctune (homestead of the Dunn). It had a recorded population of 65 households, putting it in the largest 20% of settlements recorded in Domesday, and is listed under 3 owners.