Murder 1842

 1842 9th Sept. Newspaper Article - "Dreadful Murder at Quadring".

1845 Newspaper Notice - William Howitt charged with the murder of Mary Spencer

According to the Ipswich Journal of 31 May 1845, William HOWETT was brought up for trial during the March Assizes of 1843 on the charge of the murder at Quadring of Mary SPENCER, and "being deaf and dumb" was remanded during Her Majesty's pleasure.  He died in custody from "diseased lungs", and an inquest on his body was held at Lincoln Castle on 8 May 1845. The report refers to him as a "supposed murderer", though it goes on to state that the evidence was so strong that no doubt could be entertained that he was the perpetrator. On that basis it does not look as though he was actually convicted. It may be that despite a strong case against him he could not fairly be tried.