Red Cow Inn - Quadring
128 Main Road
"The Curry Inn"

The Red Cow was originally a Soames Brewery pub, which was sold to Steward & Patteson in 1949. For a short period in the 1980s, it was known as "The Lincolnshire Poacher"
It closed as a pub in 2007, and is currently (2022) an Indian restaurant called The Curry Inn. 


1984 planning application for two bungalows behind the pub.

1901 - View toward Fen Road (Town Drove) at the crossroads. The Red Cow - now The Curry Inn - with The White Hart Inn behind, in Town Drove.

 The Red Cow is to the left, with The Black Bull  to the right.

 The Red Cow is to the left, with The Black Bull  to the right.

1808 Newspaper - Red Cow to be sold at Donington's Peacock Inn.

1840 Newspaper - Tragedy.

1840 Newspaper Article - Inquest held at the Red Cow Inn, Quadring