The Crossroads - Quadring

aka Post Office Corner

2017 Quadring crossroads - showing the green where the Black Bull Inn and snack bar once stood. The road junction would have been much 'sharper' back then.

Post Office Corner - showing the Black Bull Inn to the left of the Post Office. (Town Drove to the right)

1960s Quadring Crossroads with the Black Bull Inn on the right.

1900 Quadring Crossroads - the Red Cow to the left

Now known as Water Gate - here is Post Office corner. The three men are standing in front of Ebenezer Chapel. In front of the little shop is the sign post for The Black Bull, which is located to the right, with its picket fence.

Watergate, formerly Eaudyke Road, looking north-east from the crossroads. Ebeneezer Baptist Chapel, built 1869, second from left.

Quadring crossroads - Far left, The Red Cow Inn - far right The Black Bull Inn's sign

c 1950 Quadring Crossroads - The Red Cow Inn is on the far left, the Black Bull Inn on the right - closed in 1953.

Adjoining The Black Bull Inn, was a snack bar, hairdressers and cobblers, and formerly, a Butcher's shop.

Harold and Iris Hydes owned the Stores & Post Office at one time, and these are their delivery vans. Harold served as a Special Constable c 1939 - 1945. A glimpse of the Quadring water tower in the background.

1939 Newspaper ad - Hydes Stores

View toward Fen Road (Town Drove) at the crossroads. The Red Cow - now The Curry Inn - with The White Hart Inn behind, in Town Drove. At some point in the recent past (1980s), the Inn was known as The Lincolnshire Poacher.

Quadring crossroads - view of The Black Bull Inn (to the left of the hatted gentleman) now demolished, and the Post Office