The Brown Horse

School Lane

Courtesy Ian Evans 2004:

"A tiny beer house situated at the far end of Brown Horse Row, a row of four small, low cottages off what is now School Lane. Small it may have been, but in its early days it was also a small brewery and in the 1800’s it had room to take in school-teachers as paying lodgers. In 1902 the ‘Horse’ sold 54 barrels and 132 dozen bottles of beer making a total of £128 income for that year. This small ale house closed sometime in the 1920’s or 30’s and was pulled down, along with the whole row around 1960 to make way for more school buildings."

Some of the known publicans at the Brown Horse Inn:

1904 Newspaper - Samuel Bills
1901 Census - James W Cox 42, Carpenter Joiner & Inn Keeper
1891 Census - Thomas 61 & Emma 53 Cox, Publicans
1881 Census  - Mary Ann Foster 57, widower (to David Foster), Inn Keeper
1871 Census - David Foster 50, Publican & Shoemaker
1854 Newspaper - Mr. W. Foster

1949 Newspaper notice "...born in The Brown Horse...1854"

1907 Newspaper notice - Licensing of The Brown Horse

1907 Newspaper - Notice of Licensed Premises

1887 Newspaper Item  '....I have been staying with my mother at the Brown Horse...'

1879 Newspaper notice - Beerhouse to let

1919 The Brown Horse with outbuildings, believed to be to the right of the school