Protection Inn

1 Quadring Road

opposite The Thomas Cowley School

"Now called Protection Cottage, this old inn is straight opposite to the entrance of the Thomas Cowley School where the High Street joins the Spalding Road. Though just a small inn with one public room, it was very popular with working men of the village. A typical inn of the time, the customers sat round a scrubbed table and the beer was brought in jugs from a barrel in the back room. The ‘Pro’, as it was affectionately known, closed its doors in the early 1950’s to become just a happy memory for many people."

Written by Ian Evans, 2004

Known Publicans: Robert & Ann Manning; Herbert & Annie Carter; George Carter; Bertie Woods

c 1950 George Carter outside The Protection Inn

Courtesy of  Kim Robinson

1940 Newspaper notice - death of Annie Carter

2021 - Protection Cottage

1867 Notice of sale - Protection Inn

Protection Inn - white building on left hand side near the centre of the picture 

1895 Newspaper report - '...refusing to quit the licensed premises of the Protection...'

1923 Newspaper article - Protection Inn - 'Local woman shot in head'