Advanced Options

Here are a few options for advanced users who want to "tidy up" their sheets a little more. 

If you get frustrated here, join the chat for more help: 

Hide TV/Movies

You can further update your report if there are movies you never want to see or TV you don't want to display. Go into the movies or TV spreadsheet of your imported data. Here you can manually enter the Content ID into Column S and quality into Column M at the bottom of the page. (You may want to scroll way down to the very bottom so the data is not overwritten when you run a new report or enter it in at the top and import below.) This will make it so that movie is showed as owned and no longer included in the sale price drops. 

For example if you own No Time to Die on iTunes and have no desire to buy it again on FAH/Vudu so you don't want it to show up in your report, you will need to enter in the Content ID: 1395777 and the quality: UHD into the bottom or top of the "Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1" sheet. 

When you purchase new movies/TV you can either run a new report and import it, or manually enter them at the bottom or the top. If you enter them at the top, you can import in a row further down as long as you import into the C column.

Note that if FAH/Vudu only has the HD of something and iTunes has the 4K, it will show you need to buy the 4K of it. You can go to the Vudu Catalog page and change the quality owned of that movie to UHD if you own it in MA. Then it will not show as needing an upgrade on the iTunes tab. (You will have to redo this if you import a new file, or you can just put the new movies you buy at the bottom of the Vudu Catalog so you don't have to redo it. Another option is to put it at the top so you have an entry with the correct quality owned on MA and import below.) This also applies when Vudu only has the SD of something and iTunes has HD.

In this example I have entered in the Content ID and quality owned for movies not on FAH/Vudu at the top of the sheet. Here when I imported I would import into C136 instead of C1.

You can also mark them as HDX / 4K MA or SD / HD MA under quality on the owned tab, if you want to differentiate it to show what you own in MA

For TV that is not showing owned (say it imported from UV with no green check mark on the season) you will need to manually enter in the FAH/Vudu ID for seasons and bundles for each so they don't show up as owned.

For the FAH/Vudu ID of movies not on FAH/Vudu yet, see your Movies Anywhere compare sheet to get the ID or here is a list: 

Test Copy of Movies Anywhere Compare - Sheet by Brent S. Thanks to Will.

Connect Imports

This option will allow you to connect all your sheets together so you only have to update one owned movies/TV/Wishlist

First open your combined sheet or the sheet you would like to update. You will need the url from this sheet. 

Let's use the test sheet for this with the url:

These are the tabs we will be working with, make sure you have not changed the labels on them:

You will need to have imported your library to these sheets as detailed on the instructions. 

Now open the sheet you want to import to. For this one let's use the Movies Anywhere Compare Test sheet:

Open up the tab you are importing to. Let's do the movies tab

Go to cell C1. Columns C-S need to be blank, if you have something in there just delete those columns. Leave A and B

You are going to paste this in C1: 

=filter(importrange("url","Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1!$C:$h"),importrange("url","Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1!$S:S")<>"")

Where the url is the url from the Combined sheet. 

So for this example above it will be:

=filter(importrange("","Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1!$C:$h"),importrange("","Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1!$S:S")<>"")

And this in I1:

=filter(importrange("url","Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1!$I:$S"),importrange("url","Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1!$S:S")<>"")

So for this example:

=filter(importrange("","Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1!$I:$S"),importrange("","Vudu Catalog Movies - Import in Cell C1!$S:S")<>"")

Repeat for TV but change it to

C1: =filter(importrange("url","Vudu Catalog TV - Import in Cell C1!$C:$h"),importrange("url","Vudu Catalog TV - Import in Cell C1!$S:S")<>"")


I1: =filter(importrange("url","Vudu Catalog TV - Import in Cell C1!$I:$S"),importrange("url","Vudu Catalog TV - Import in Cell C1!$S:S")<>"")

For Wishlist:

Paste in A1:=filter(importrange("url","Wishlist - Import in Cell A1!$A:$V"),importrange("url","Wishlist - Import in Cell A1!$V:V")<>"")

You will need to repeat this for every sheet you want to pull from the original sheet you update. Then just update that sheet each week and the others will auto-update.