MA to FAH/Vudu Tracking and Compare

This advanced tool from Will G and Brent S will track what MA Movies you own at MA and compare to what MA Movies you own at FAH/Vudu. 

There are many reasons these may not match. One of these reasons is FAH/Vudu Upgrades that do not port out to MA. Customer support usually cannot help with this. If you have questions on this please contact Ashley L

You first need to install the Vudu Catalog tool in Chrome/Edge (Android option: )

For this comparison you will need to turn purchase dates off on the Vudu Catalog Extension. Go to chrome://extensions/?options=bnlpiockcfehbfbdcegahemgmjfkdopc and unclick include purchase dates

Next go to while signed in and run the extension (click it). If you have a large library and this is your first time running it, it may take awhile. Save this csv on your computer

Save the CSV file somewhere you can find it on your computer. 

Next go to while signed in and run the extension (click it). If you have a large library and this is your first time running it, it may take awhile.

Save the CSV file somewhere you can find it on your computer. It is ideal if you can run these reports on the same day otherwise they may not be correct if you have purchased something since running one of the reports.

Next click on this link   it will open up a copy of the compare file. This is yours to edit

Go to the first sheet in this file titled Vudu Report-Import in Cell C1

Click on Cell B1

Make sure your cursor is in cell C1

Go to File

Click on Import


Find your Vudu report you just ran

Change the import location to "Replace data at selected cell"

Unclick "Convert text to numbers, dates and formulas"

Click Import Data

Wait for it to load (this may take a few minutes, it may take longer depending on your library size)

 Click on the second tab in the sheet titled MA-Import in Cell C1

Make sure your cursor is in cell C1

Go to File

Click on Import


Find your MA Report

Change the import location to "Replace data at selected cell"

Unclick "Convert text to numbers, dates and formulas"

Click Import Data

Wait for it to load (this may take a few minutes, it may take longer depending on your library size)

Go to the rest of the tabs on the sheet and you can see your new movies, missing movies, downgrades, upgrades, etc.

Note that some movies are Not on Vudu. You may get an error page when you click on the View on Vudu If so, that is just a placeholder url because FAH/Vudu does not offer the movie. A few of these are 

Blumhouse's Fantasy Island (In the extras)

Bugs Bunny Halloween Collection (Not on FAH/Vudu)

Doctor Sleep Director's Cut (In the extras)

Dodsworth (Not on FAH/Vudu)

Elvis: That's the Way It Is (Special Edition) (Not MA on Vudu)

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (Extended Cut) (In the extras)

Heavy Metal (Had two versions)

Heavy Traffic (Not on Vudu)

Lolly-Madonna XXX (Not o Vudu)

Oliver Twist (Not on Vudu)

Palmy Days (Not on Vudu)

Rachel And The Stranger (Not on Vudu)

Real Glory (Not on Vudu)

Roman Scandals (Not on Vudu)

Short Grass (Not on Vudu)

Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures: Night Ghoulery (Not on Vudu)

Strike Me Pink (Not on Vudu)

Tarzan and the Leopard Woman (Not on Vudu)

The Quick and the Dead (Not on Vudu)

The Smurfs: Springtime Specials (Had two versions)

Trolls Band Together Sing-Along (Not MA on Vudu)

WWE: Royal Rumble 2021 (Not on Vudu)

The extras are a little tough as they don't show up on the Vudu Catalog report as owned so these will appear to be missing.

There are some movies that had duplicate entries on Vudu that will be Not on MA as you have two entries in Vudu. A few of these are:

His Girl Friday


Bambi 2

The Lion King

 (You most likely have the other entry that is on MA)

Higher Quality on Vudu. These could be from free upgrades from Vudu that do not port to MA, or because the movie lost MA status after the 4K upgrade, or you purchased/redeemed a code in a higher quality than Vudu allowed to port out.

Higher Quality on MA. Vudu hasn't added the higher quality yet. 

If something looks off, run your Vudu report again in a private browser to ensure your cache is not messing up your Vudu report. Or redo the report again making sure to pay close attention to how to import the files.

If you still have questions, contact Ashley.