Automatically Add your Google Play Movies to Family Share

Automatically Add all Your MA Movies to your Google Family Library for Android Users

So this only works on an android device. I tried months doing it on a desktop and could never get it to work.

1) Go to the Play Store on your device. Click on the three lines on the top left

2) Click on Family Library

3) Click on the three dots on the top right and click on Settings

4) Click on Movies & TV

5) Select Don't add automatically; I'll do it myself

6) Select Add items automatically when purchased

7) A pop up should come up asking if you want to Also add your previously purchased movies & TV Click Yes, I'm In.

8) Wait. This could take quite awhile if your library is large. Go to on a family account and refresh to see the progress.

This is really the only option for large libraries where your library doesn't load on google play

For anyone who doesn't have access to an android phone the Google Chrome Add on works great as well. It's probably a good idea to run the add on after as well. Google didn't transfer all of my movies for me, but did most.

Thank you +Allan Ng +Tyson Hunt and +Pres. D Camacho for the info