Movies Anywhere Compare Sales

This useful tool from Brent S and Will G will help you compare what you own on Movies Anywhere (updated 3/13/2024)

You first need to install the Vudu Catalog tool in Chrome/Edge

Next go to while signed in and run the extension (click it). If you have a large library and this is your first time running it, it may take awhile (up to 2 hours).

Save the CSV file somewhere you can find it on your computer

Next click on this link it will open up a copy of the compare file. This is yours to edit

You will need to allow access to send and receive data:

Go to the second sheet in this file titled MA Movies Report - Import in Cell B1

Make sure your cursor is in cell B1

Go to File

Click on Import


Find your most recent file from the vudu catalog of your MA movies (run on this link: )

Change the import location to "Replace data at selected cell"

Unclick "Convert text to numbers, dates and formulas"

Click Import Data

Wait for it to load (this may take a few minutes, it may take longer depending on your library size)

Check the tabs at the bottom to filter as you would like:

 Wishlist Option (Optional, you don't have to do this to make it work unless you want to)

If you'd like to see what is MA on your wishlist, run the Vudu Catalog on Then go to the Wishlist tab on the sheet, go to Cell A1 and import using the same settings as before. If you have the movie on your wishlist, it will appear under Owned. You can filter and sort that way. Note when you replace your wishlist you probably want to go to that tab, hit Ctrl+A (For a PC), delete and then reimport. 

FAQ on Personalized Sheets

No, it will automatically update. You only have to set it up once and then just open when you want to look at it.

Pricing will be updated daily, usually by early afternoon. (Note this one updates a little later in the day than the others)

No, if you want it to take away the movies you have bought you will need to run a report and import the updated CSV as before. After you run it the first time, the rest run much faster. Or you can just manually add the MA ID and quality of the movie you bought into the Vudu movies, etc tab. Or you can just leave it as is and skip over the ones you know you purchased.

You probably don’t have it in there as text. Make sure you are pasting as a value and not formula if you are copying and pasting.

Just start over and make a new one, it takes about 5 min and is probably easier than figuring out what you did.

Sorry, it pulls from another sheet so you can’t. You can copy and paste into a totally different sheet if you really want to do something else with it but it won’t update in that one.

Yes, once it’s created you can open it on any device. To set it up the first time and run a csv on an android device follow the directions here: and then send me a chat to help set up your sheet.