
Letterboxd is a website/app where you can import the lists you've collected to track your digital collection. It has some drawbacks, but if you wanted something prettier than a google sheet, this may be one option for you.

First make an account https://letterboxd.com/ 

You will need to get your lists into CSV format if they are not already and do a little clean up on them to make them work with Letterboxd importer.  https://letterboxd.com/about/importing-data/

Go to https://letterboxd.com/list/new/ to make a new personal list. 

You will have to split your import data lists into entries that are no larger than 1 MB. Each list will need to have the column headers. (Just copy and paste your collection lists into new documents depending on how large your library is)

You will need to rename the Movie list Column Title, any other info I've found the easiest way to import it is to use the Review  Column. For example on this sheet I wanted the title, quality I owned, MA status and FAH/Vudu ID number.  

I first used find and replace to replace all MA yes entries with MA (search by row after highlighting the row) And the same for No/Not MA

Next I combined the quality, MA status, and FAH/Vudu ID into a Column titled Review using the formula: =B2&" "&C2&" "&D2

After this it was ready to import (note that the importer will ignore the Tags, MA, and Content ID columns as it doesn't match their import tags. 

Once you import it will ask you to check all the entries. There are a lot of discrepancies here between the FAH/Vudu database and the Letterboxd database. You will likely lose some movies during the import (I would continue to keep a google sheets backup as well) One example is shown below as FAH/Vudu has two entries for Charlie Brown. You can only import one.

You can go through the entries and try and match up the ones it could not find. Note here that clearly the Gladiator entry is messed up and they have matched the movie 10 to Gladiator. I would need to manually search for the movie 10 and match it up. (This is where the FAH/Vudu ID would be of use) https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/details/x/9510

Then just click save and it will save your list. You can then import the next file to your list and keep going. I am not sure on the limit for the lists, but as you cannot search within the lists I would break up your collection alphabetically, or by MA status, whatever other qualifications you would like. 

On the app you can look at your list in the text view and see the review tags there. The only way I've found to see these tags is by scrolling, so it's not ideal but if you wanted a prettier database, give it a try. You can search this by using ctrl + F on a browser (if you go into edit it will show you the whole list instead of having to change pages), but I haven't found a good way on the app. 

Here is an example list for you to look at (I just did the first 1000 films I owned on FAH/Vudu imported as above: https://letterboxd.com/ashley_l/list/vudu-test-list/detail/

Mess around with it and see if it's an option for you. Any list you make into a CSV can be imported.