List of all the Vudu promos you have redeemed

Warning you all now this is a pain. But if you want to see all the Vudu promos you’ve ever redeemed you can do this:

If you're logged into your Vudu account type this into the URL bar and hit enter.

Change the number 1 to 2, ex.

and so on

keep going until nothing is found. Hopefully you haven't redeemed hundreds of things. But this is a way to somewhat find out what you've used. You'll see stuff like "Error

You have already redeemed Take 2 - Game Pre-Order - Evolve Xbox One ($4.99 Movie Credit)". Go through and cross off anything you see there.

Use +Zu Nim Credit Matrix in conjunction with this to mark off what credits you’ve used.

Thank you +xxxsdesdexxx xxxsdesdexxx for the original instructions.