How to Track your iTunes:

Track your iTunes Count/Movies

I've had some question on how to know if you are missing a movies in iTunes.

If you just want a text copy and your library loads:

Go to Movies -> Library

Click someone over next to the movie titles

Hit Ctrl + A to select everything (This should put a blue box around all the movies

Hit Ctrl + C to copy everything

Go to Excel/Google sheets/notepad and open up a blank file

Hit Ctrl + V to paste everything. Delete the extra info so it's easier to compare later.

To keep an accurate running count you will need to make a new playlist

In iTunes go to File -> New -> Smart Playlist

   Set it to Match


        Time is not 0:00

        Check Live Updating

(See pictures) You can also select everything here and copy and paste it (This seems to be more accurate as far as matching up with your count)

That's it. I would just export it monthly when you do your VUDU export.

You could also use the text file to compare monthly reports on TKDiff

Another options:

Once a month go to and take a screenshot. Use "Full Page Screen Capture" ( which dumps a screenshot of the whole thing.

Thanks +Bo Gustafson  and +Mandeep Khera 

You can also request the data directly from iTunes if you have troubles loading your library. 

Go to

Sign in and click on "Get a copy of your data"

You really only need :

Apple Media Services information

Apple will collect the data and send you the downloads. It usually takes about a week. Save these somewhere.

The data will include anything you have redeemed or purchased on iTunes, your MA entitlements, etc. (No, not the actual codes)

Once you get the download, save it to your computer and extract it.

Then go to Apple Media Services, Stores Activity, Account and Transaction History, Store Transaction History 

This will give you all the transactions you have ever had through iTunes. You can filter them to just movies by Filtering the Content Type to Digital Copy, Movie Bundles, Movie Purchases.

It's not perfect, as it will include refunds, but you can filter those out pretty easily as well.

Free product would be a code, the UHD column is useless here

You can also get all your MA movies, but this will include anything that has imported. Open the Movies Anywhere Entitlements spreadsheet. Quality is a little more useful here, but again this is only for your MA movies.