FAH/Vudu Wishlist (Includes Hidden)

This report will include all hidden titles in your FAH/Vudu Wishlist so you can remove them, or change them to a new list if you'd like. Hidden titles are titles not current for sale on FAH/Vudu. They will only show up on your main wishlist at https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/mywishlist when they are added for purchase by FAH/Vudu.

In order to see all your titles you will need to run a report from the Vudu Catalog Tool

Install that on Chrome

Go to https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/mywishlist

Run the report by clicking on it in the top right corner. You may want to disable purchase dates if it takes too long by going to options on the extension and unclicking the purchase dates

After the report has run you will see a Save Vudu Catalog appear on the screen. Save it 

Once you open the file in excel you can find your hidden titles by looking at the ones that have no purchase or rental information. From there use the FAH/Vudu ID in the last column and put it in this url: https://www.vudu.com/content/movies/details/movie/vuduID  That will take you to that movie and you can remove it from your wishlist or add it to a new list. 

Big thanks to Will for the update to the extension. Keep updated on the latest info at www.mewe.com/join/digitalmovies