Some Common Myths About Diabetes

Some of the most common myths that I see circulating around in the diabetes field. It’s a shame when these come to light but many people are falling for them time and time again.

This leads to frustration, lack of results, and quite possibly, throwing in towel on trying and seeing their diabetes condition worsen.

The good news is that once you clear up these myths, you no longer have to fall for them.

Here are the important myths that you need to know.

1. If You Are Overweight You WILL Develop Type 2 Diabetes

The first myth is that overweight = type 2 diabetes. This is not the case. In fact, there are many people who live their entire lives being overweight or even obese and don’t develop diabetes.

Is it rare? Quite rare, especially for those who are obese, but it is possible. So don’t think that just because you are overweight, this is your fate.

Diabetes is a condition where the body’s cells stop being so responsive to insulin and this leads to them not managing the carbohydrates as well as they should.

There are many ways you can boost insulin sensitivity, such as through exercise, eating the right types of fats, and using a lower carbohydrate diet plan. If someone is overweight and doing all these things, they may have some protection from diabetes. If they are still taking in too many calories though, they will not lose weight.

Remember: Obesity is an issue of excess calorie intake.

Diabetes tends to be an issue of too much sugar and processed foods in the diet plan.

This definitely does not mean you should not try and lose weight if you are overweight as your chances will still be significantly increased for developing diabetes, just don’t think that you will for certain develop diabetes as that may not be the case.

2. Diabetes Is Not That Serious

Another myth is that some people think that diabetes is not that serious of a condition. After all, there’s a good chance that you know at least one (or more!) people who are living with this condition each and every day.

And while that’s true, don’t be misled. Diabetes is a serious condition. What many people don’t know is that more people die from diabetes each year than from breast cancer or AIDS combined. If you have AIDS, you are definitely worried. The same goes for breast cancer. But if you have diabetes… do you approach it with the same concern?

If not, it’s time you do. Having diabetes will nearly double the likelihood that you have a heart attack in your life and that can be fatal.

The good news, however, is that diabetes is more controllable than breast cancer or AIDS, so the power is within you to do something about this.

3. People Who Suffer From Diabetes Must Avoid All Sugar

Another common notion is that people who suffer from diabetes must avoid all forms of sugar. This, again, is not the case. While you definitely don’t want to go overboard with sugar, you don’t have to avoid it either.

The two key things to know about diabetes and sugar is:

  • Moderation

  • Combining it with other foods

You do want to avoid eating huge volumes of sugar-rich foods all on their own as that will send your blood glucose levels soaring. But a small food that has some sugar eaten with some protein and fat (within the same meal) is definitely fine.

So you don’t necessarily have to turn away dessert, just know your limits.

4. Fruit Is An Okay Food For Diabetes

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding fruit, especially for those with diabetes. While fruit is definitely healthy as it’s packed with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, it does also contain sugar.

While the sugar in say an apple won’t boost blood glucose levels like the sugar in a candy bar, it’s still sugar and you need to be aware of how much you are eating.

For best results, try eating just one piece of fruit per snack or meal, and again, make sure that you combine it with a protein and/or carbohydrate. That will help you best control your blood glucose levels and avoid any unwanted spikes.

So there you have a few of the biggest myths to know about when it comes to diabetes. Make sure that you aren’t falling for any of these as they will impact your health and how you deal with this condition.