Top Five Diabetic-Friendly Dessert Ideas

As someone who’s struggling with diabetes, it can get a little frustrating to figure out what you should and shouldn’t be eating. Diabetes is a condition that can take hold of your life if you let it, causing you to get into a routine about the foods you choose and never experiment any longer.

You might even feel like the fun and joy you get from meal times has been sucked away, leaving you feeling, well, rather miserable.

Does this describe your situation? If so, this newsletter is for you. You CAN eat your dessert – and enjoy it too. You just need to know which dessert on the menu is going to be ideal.

Shall we go over a few? By choosing these more often over other desserts that are laden with sugar, you’ll be doing your body good while being able to enjoy your food choices.


The best dessert for anyone, not just those with diabetes, is simply some fruit. Nothing beats fruit as a choice to help you get your sweet tooth satisfied while keeping your health and body weight in check.

Fruit is rich in fiber, high in nutrients, and because it contains so few calories, it won’t really put a dent in your diet plan.

While fruit does contain sugar, it’s paired with the fiber which will help keep your blood glucose level under control. And more than that, it also contains sufficient amounts of antioxidants, making it a healthy choice.

If you eat fruit at the end of the meal when you already have protein and fats in your system, there should be no issue with this menu choice.


Another savory dessert you may choose if you’re someone who’s really watching your carbs is hard cheese. Many do love some good hard cheese as a dessert and find it’s a perfect way to finish off a meal with a little tea or coffee.

Hard cheese provides both protein and fat with hardly any carbs at all, so it’s a great addition to any diabetic diet. It will not impact your blood glucose level in any way. If anything, it’ll help stabilize it after the meal you just ate.

Just one note: Hard cheese is higher in calories (as most desserts are) so eat it in moderation. You don’t want to overdo hard cheese or you may find yourself gaining weight, despite the fact that it has very little sugar.

Dark Chocolate

Next up on the list of delicious foods that you can enjoy without the guilt is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is much lower in sugar content than milk chocolate is and will provide some healthy fats and antioxidants as well.

It does also contain some saturated fats, but since they are naturally occurring saturated fats, they don’t typically tend to be as bad for you as saturated fats that come from deep frying or other man-made processes.

Dark chocolate is also a great source of antioxidants and is a proven mood booster, so those are a few more reasons to consider adding it to your day.

The darker the chocolate you eat, the better. If you opt for 90%+ dark chocolate, you will be taking in a very small amount sugar.

Again, due to the calories, limit yourself to a square or two per day only.

Thinly Sliced Angel Food Cake With Real Whipped Topping

If you really feel like you just need to have your cake and eat it too, not to worry. You can certainly do that. Angel food cake is a lower-calorie, lower-sugar variety that will fit the bill perfectly. Angel food cake is light and fluffy and provides fewer calories than other denser cakes do. It tends to make for a great choice for diabetics provided they keep their serving size under control.

Serve it with some real whipped-cream topping, which is higher in fat than it is sugar, and you’ve got yourself a great winner on your hands for keeping your blood glucose levels stable. You might even dress it up with a few berries, which add flavor without all the unwanted sugar of other options.

Small Amounts Of Creamy Ice Cream

Finally, if ice cream is what calls your name, know that you can eat ice cream as a diabetic, but you do need to be choosy. Best-case scenario would be to eat an ice cream that was actually made to be low carb and low sugar. However, if you don’t want to be eating something ‘special’ and different from everyone else, then choose an ice cream that’s as creamy and high fat as possible. This may go against what you’d typically do, but in doing so, you’ll be keeping your blood glucose levels a little more stabilized. The more fat you have in there, the fewer grams of sugar. So, the impact on blood glucose levels is lower.

So, keep these desserts in mind and remember, you don’t have to completely lose all joy in eating your food just because you have diabetes. In fact, you can be just as satisfied on your plan as anyone else, provided you are making a bit more effort to make smarter food choices.