The Wonderful Powers Of Garlic

If there’s one food you should be getting into your diet plan on a regular basis, it would be garlic. Too many people aren’t fully aware of how beneficial garlic can be, and as such, they aren’t cooking with it nearly as often as they could be.

Garlic is not only great for helping hearing loss, but it is also wonderful for many areas of your health.

Let’s take a closer peek into why garlic is so powerful.

Garlic can strengthen your immune system and may help you ward off that common cold and flu.

Garlic can help to lower inflammation in the body, reducing your risk of a number of different diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Garlic is low in calories, so it’s perfect for those who are trying to control their weight.

Garlic is ideal for helping to lower blood pressure levels. Regular use has been proven to help decrease your numbers.

Garlic can have a positive influence on your cholesterol numbers, reducing your risk factor for heart disease.

Garlic might just help you exercise harder. Those who take it notice a higher peak heart rate and overall better exercise capacity than those who don’t consume it on a regular basis.

Garlic could help to improve bone density by increasing estrogen levels in women who are going through menopause.

Garlic may help to improve circulation and could help reduce the symptoms of tinnitus, making your condition more manageable.

Garlic is such a powerful compound it only makes sense to get it into your diet today. To really maximize the benefits you reap from garlic, try to let it sit for 10 minutes or so after slicing it and then cook it in a little bit of olive oil (or some other fat) prior to using it.

This will help to better bring out those health-boosting compounds that it contains and will ensure you are getting all the benefits that are available.

Additionally, note that garlic can keep very well in your freezer, so don’t be afraid to stock up and then freeze the individual cloves. You should separate the cloves before freezing, however, which will also make slicing the garlic that much easier prior to using.