Why Drinking Pomegranate Juice Could Protect Your Visual Memory

For centuries, the pomegranate fruit has been used as a traditional remedy for digestive ailments, parasites, and kidney problems. In recent years, research has shown that this distinctive purple fruit could also be a promising preventive treatment for cognitive decline.

What’s the evidence?

In one study, 261 participants between the ages of 50 and 75 with no significant health or memory problems were recruited and split into two groups. One group was asked to drink 8 oz of pomegranate juice per day for 12 months. The other group was given a daily placebo drink. It was a double-blind trial, meaning neither the participants nor the researchers knew who was in each group.

The participants were asked to undergo memory tests at the beginning and end of the study. They were also assessed at the six-month mark. The tests included assessments that measured their visual memory, which is the ability to learn and remember new visual information, such as pictures and words.

What did the results show?

The control group participants had significantly lower visual memory test scores at the end of the trial. The scores of those in the pomegranate group remained the same. This suggests that drinking pomegranate juice can protect against visual memory decline.

The results supported previous memory research with patients undergoing heart surgery. In one trial, patients who were given pomegranate extract shortly before and then several weeks after surgery were less vulnerable to memory loss than those who were not.

Why is pomegranate juice good for your visual memory?

  • Pomegranates contain micronutrients called polyphenols. Polyphenols are high in antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and protect cells from damage. Therefore, pomegranate juice could reduce inflammation in the brain, which could stop or slow down cognitive decline.

  • Another benefit of polyphenols is that they encourage the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Scientists know there is a link between cognitive health and gut bacteria. Pomegranate juice might have an indirect effect by balancing your gut biome.

  • Pomegranate juice has also been shown to reduce clogging in the arteries of people with heart disease. It’s possible that pomegranate could encourage healthy blood flow to the brain, keeping it well-nourished with the oxygen it needs to function.

More research is needed before we can say precisely how pomegranate affects memory.

Should we all start drinking pomegranate juice?

This is a new area of research, so we don’t yet know for sure whether pomegranate juice can protect your memory. But the results of studies so far are encouraging so, if you enjoy the taste, drinking it on a regular basis could be a good idea.

A glass of fruit juice counts as one of your five daily portions of fruit and vegetables and is packed with vitamins and minerals. Choose a brand with no added sugar for maximum health benefits.

There is a small chance that pomegranate juice can interact with medications, including HIV treatments and cholesterol-lowering drugs. If you take any regular medication, check with your doctor before adding it to your diet.