The Worst Processed Foods For Diabetic

Okay, so you know the drill. To be as healthy as possible, avoiding processed foods is a must. But, if you’re like most people, you find it impossible to avoid them entirely and from time to time, they make their way into your diet plan.

But, are some processed foods worse than others? You better believe they are, so by learning which are the worst options, you can be sure to steer clear of those.

  1. Cookies

A classic snack you may have loved as a kid, cookies are a definite no-go for diabetics. The combination of sugar and butter in these tasty morsels is going to set your blood sugar level soaring while accelerating plaque build-up on your arteries.

Start looking around for healthier cookie recipes that contain more protein. There are so many of them available that there’s just no reason to turn to regular baked cookies any longer.

  1. Canned Fruit In Heavy Syrup

Another food to avoid at all costs is canned fruit in heavy syrup. Fresh fruit is always best – remember that. But, if you must go canned fruit, opt for canned fruit in water.

If you consume canned fruit in a heavy syrup, you’ll be taking in a very high dose of added sugar, not to mention the sugar already found in the fruit.

It’s a diabetic worst nightmare.

  1. Potato Chips

Almost as bad are potato chips. Regular potatoes have a great potential to send blood sugar levels soaring, but that isn’t the end of it here. Now those blood sugar bombs have been deep-fried and laced with salt and other flavorings.

As far as your health goes, these are a must to avoid – not just for diabetics, but everyone.

  1. French Fries

French fries are equally bad for all the same reasons just noted with potato chips. While they will be marginally better if you bake rather than fry them, they still contain all the same blood glucose spiking carbs that you’ll want to be avoiding

If you must have fries, make your own baked sweet potato fries instead. That is one carb source you can actually feel good about eating.

  1. Sugary Cereals

Finally, last on the list of processed foods that diabetics should be avoiding are sugary cereals. Whether it’s fruit loops, corn pops, or cocoa puffs that you desire, just don’t.

These cereals are nothing more than a long list of refined ingredients, most of which will spike blood sugar levels. Add to this that you’ll then add milk, which adds additional sugar and you really have yourself a double whammy.

Choosing wholesome oatmeal instead will be a far safer bet. If you need to make them sweeter, simply top them with berries instead. Then, if you must use milk, use unsweetened almond milk instead.

So there you have the low down on what you must avoid as a diabetic. While these are bad foods for anyone, they pose an additional threat to you with your condition.