The Best Breakfast Foods For Those With Diabetes

So great to have you here again today. This time we’re going to talk about everyone’s favorite meal: breakfast. Or, perhaps it’s your least favorite meal because you never find yourself hungry when it’s time to eat.

Whatever the case happens to be, breakfast is an important meal of the day, especially if you happen to be suffering from diabetes. You’ve just woken up from fasting all night long and now need to provide your body with the nourishment it needs to maintain both optimal physical energy and mental energy while keeping your blood glucose levels stable.

Many people are in the habit of skipping over breakfast, either because they have no appetite, they don’t have time to prepare what they need to, or because they just aren’t sure what to eat in the first place.

Let me take five minutes to share with you what my favorite foods are so that you can get a better idea of what you should be eating for your breakfast meal.

1. Eggs

Topping the list of great foods you should consider eating for breakfast is eggs. You simply can’t go wrong dishing yourself up some delicious eggs. The great thing about eggs is that they’re fast, easy, cheap, and versatile. The options are literally endless when it comes to eggs.

Eggs also have a nice protein and fat combination, which is going to help ensure that they keep your blood glucose levels stable at all times.

2. Home Made Protein Pancakes

Next up you have homemade protein pancakes. These are delicious! Simply put! One of my favorite breakfast options for sure. The nice thing about protein pancakes is they are completely customizable, so no matter how many carbs, proteins, or fats you need, you can get the bill filled with these. What’s more is that they are quick and easy to prepare and can travel quite nicely as well. Just keep them cold and eat cold or warm them up if desired.

Protein pancakes are typically made using whey protein powder, which is great for keeping blood glucose levels stable, however, they can also be made using cottage cheese or yogurt as well. Eggs will be a staple in the recipe and then you’ll usually add in bananas, oatmeal, yogurt, nut butters, or any other fixings you desire.

Whether you’re low-carb dieting, low-fat dieting, or trying to actively build muscle and need a higher calorie intake, you can definitely make do with what this recipe has to offer.

3. Yogurt, Berries, Nuts

If you need a quick option on the go, yogurt, berries, and nuts are a prime choice. This a delicious combination that will have the creamy taste of yogurt, the crunchy taste from the nuts, and the sweet taste from the berries. What more could you ask for?

Here again, you can adjust the volumes of each of these foods to hit your macros. Need more protein? No problem. Just add more Greek yogurt. Want more carbs? Some more berries or even a sliced banana will do the trick nicely. If fats are what you’re after, more nuts, nut butters, or seeds will definitely have you feeling your best and meeting your nutrition goals.

Raspberries are a particularly great option here for those who have diabetes because they contain more dietary fiber than they do sugar, so are excellent for stabilizing your blood glucose levels.

Additionally, any berry you choose is also loaded with antioxidants, which will also help keep your body healthy and feeling its best, while preventing disease. Most people need to eat more berries in their day, so this is a perfect way to get them in

This yogurt parfait is also quite easy to take on the go as long as it’s kept cold as well. Just do avoid adding granola on top of the yogurt, which is tempting for many. Most varieties of granola are way too high in sugar and added unhealthy fats to be a part of your diet, however.

4. Smoothies

Finally, last but not least, don’t forget smoothies! For those of you who complain you don’t have enough time, smoothies are a perfect solution. Here again, you can simply add in whatever it is that you desire in the smoothie, blend it up, and take it to go. There’s no mess, no dishes, no cooking required.

Combine unsweetened almond milk (remember cow’s milk contains a high amount of sugar), protein powder, Greek yogurt, frozen berries, nut butters, dried unsweetened coconut flakes, and even vegetables if you want a really healthy smoothie. Getting more vegetables in at breakfast can be a challenge but not when you have a smoothie.

So there you have some of my favorite breakfast ideas to serve up. As you can see, breakfast does not need to be hard to figure out. You can eat healthy and do your body well if you pre-plan and have some smart alternatives always on the go.