Suffering From Digestive Problems?

Over 60 million Americans have at least one problem with their digestive systems, such as bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. Popular wisdom suggests that stomach troubles are an inevitable part of getting older or the result of a stressful modern lifestyle, but this isn’t the full story.

Why your gut bacteria matters

Your stomach, intestines, and colon contain hundreds of species of bacteria. Together, they make up your gut biome. To stay healthy, you need the right balance of “good bacteria” in your digestive tract. These bacteria help digest food and smoothly eliminate waste.

Unfortunately, many of us also host species of bacteria that stop our digestive systems working properly. These species, known as “chaos bacteria,” can wreak havoc in your gut, killing off good bacteria and slowing down your metabolism.

What happens when your gut bacteria are out of balance?

When chaos bacteria growth gets out of control, you become more likely to suffer:

  • Heartburn and indigestion

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Gas and bloating

  • Reduced metabolic rate, making it easier to gain belly fat

You might also feel effects that go far beyond your digestive tract. For example, chaos bacteria interfere with your body’s normal immune responses, leaving you more vulnerable to inflammatory symptoms like joint pain and skin disorders.

What causes chaos bacteria overgrowth?

Your gut biome is affected by many internal and external factors. Stress, pesticides, toxins in the air, and overuse of antibiotics are common causes of digestive problems. Exposure to plastics, especially those in food storage containers, also poses a risk to gut health.

Everyday habits can also upset your biome. For example, using mouthwash, especially brands that contain alcohol, kills off good bacteria, and allows chaos bacteria to flourish. Despite the fact they aren’t meant to be swallowed, they still affect your gut; chaos bacteria in your mouth move to your digestive tract where they can cause problems.

How to improve your digestive health

You may have read or heard that avoiding particular foods, adding fiber, taking laxatives, exercising, and other home remedies will ease your discomfort. Unfortunately, these tips don’t work for everyone. The only way to permanently treat chronic digestive problems that are caused by an imbalance in your gut biome is to eliminate chaos bacteria.

Making consistent lifestyle changes can help. Try switching to alcohol-free mouthwash, using air purifiers, eating only organic foods. When you use the bathroom, placing your feet on a small stool can help bowel movements.

When to see your doctor

Many digestive troubles are caused by chaos bacteria, but they can also be a sign of a serious underlying condition. See your doctor if your symptoms are persistent, painful, causing you frequent discomfort or interfering with your daily life. It’s also a good idea to check in with your healthcare provider before trying a new supplement, especially if you are taking any medication.