Berries And Your Brain

You’ve probably heard before that berries are a great food for your brain. In fact, you may have heard the term ‘brainberry’ before, referring to the fact that they are so powerful.

There is no question about it, berries are not only great for your brain but also great for your overall health as well.

They’re low in calories, they’re rich in dietary fiber, they’re jam-packed with antioxidants, and they will help keep you looking and feeling as young as possible.

This being said, not all berries are created equal. Some berries are healthier than others and some shine in certain areas that others do not.

To help you make sense of it all, let’s give you a quick run-through of the major health benefits of the most commonly consumed berries so you can choose which you would like to include in your diet plan.

While I strongly recommend eating a variety of berries for best results, it’s normal if you do have a particular preference.


The first berry and the one that tends to receive the most attention (rightfully so) when it comes to brain health is the blueberry.

Blueberries are loaded with anthocyanins that may help to reduce oxidative stress on the body and could help to combat disease and aging. Research has shown that blueberries can help to slow down rates of cognitive decline. So, if you’re interested in keeping your brain as sharp as possible for as long as possible, this is the berry you’ll want to have on your radar.

In addition to this, they’re going to be important for helping to improve cholesterol levels and may lower the risk of diabetes thanks to the fact they help to improve insulin sensitivity.

Blueberries will provide 84 calories per one-cup serving and give you 3.6 grams of fiber as well as 24% of your vitamin C intake, 36% of your vitamin K intake, and 25% of your manganese intake.


If you want a fiber all-star, raspberries should be the berry you choose. This berry is great for lowering your risk factor for heart disease and cholesterol thanks to its standout fiber profile.

It may also help to increase the hormone leptin in the body, which is responsible for helping keep you feeling full and satisfied after meals. If you are seeking weight loss, it’s the berry to eat.

Those who eat a lot of raspberries also tend to show lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, so those are two additional benefits to consider.

Per one-cup serving, you’ll take in 64 calories, 8 grams of fiber, 54% of your vitamin C needs, 12% of your daily vitamin K needs and 41% of your manganese needs.


Strawberries are a classic favorite for many and one that definitely shines. These are lower in calories at just 49 calories per cup and are also going to be great for helping lower inflammation in the body.

As inflammation is at the heart of many disease states, lowering it can help improve your overall health standing dramatically.

Strawberries are also great for keeping blood glucose levels regulated, which can further help lower your risk for diabetes.

They’ll provide you with three grams of fiber per cup and 150% of your daily intake of vitamin C. You’ll also get 29% of your RDI for manganese.

So, there you have a snapshot of the main berries for nutritional benefit and what each will provide. If you want to boost your health, make sure you aren’t overlooking these powerful berries.