Four Spices That Can Help Manage Your Diabetes

Chances are you have a pretty good handle on what foods you should be eating to control your diabetes. You know by now what foods will help you see success and what foods will only serve to hinder you.

But did you know that there are certain spices you can eat as a diabetic that could help regulate blood sugar levels? These may just help increase your chances of keeping your condition under control?

It’s true, and these spices will also add great flavor to your food, making your diet more enjoyable. By livening up your diet, you’ll stand a better chance of ensuring that you stay the course and don’t give in to those pesky food cravings.

Here are four spices to consider.


Turmeric is perhaps the healthiest spice on earth that you can consume. Used most notably in curry, turmeric offers both anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. This allows you to use it to help combat disease and long-term health problems associated with either of these things.

Inflammation is at the heart of many diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and diabetes, so this should be of particular concern.

Turmeric is also going to help boost your immune system, so that’s yet another way it may help you keep your health in check.


A spice that many people rarely think about using is cloves. This is one spice that can also make a great impact on your overall health and well-being. Cloves offer anti-inflammatory benefits and will also help to keep your digestion on track. If you ever experience digestive woes after a meal, feeling bloated and uncomfortable, adding some cloves to your food may help resolve this.

Cloves can help those who are dealing with diabetes because cloves help to promote insulin production, which helps you control diabetes.


Garlic is an all-around super spice because it has powerful benefits to combat heart disease and stroke. It’s also been found to boost the immune system and may help to ward off the common cold.

Fortunately, garlic is very well-liked by many people, so it’s a spice that you should easily be able to fit into your diet without much trouble. It goes well with most dishes, so start experimenting with it in your cooking.

You can use garlic powder, minced garlic, or pureed garlic – your choice.


Finally, cinnamon is one spice we’ve mentioned many times before. You really can’t go wrong by choosing to add cinnamon to your diet plan. It offers a nice light flavor and adds some natural sweetness, so it can be a great way to combat sugar cravings.

Cinnamon has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity as well, so that’s a win-win for you.

So, there you have four spices that you’ll want to get into your plan if you’re hoping to see the best results with controlling your diabetes.