How YOU Can Stay On Top Of Your Sugar Intake In One Easy Step

Wondering what you can do to better control your sugar? Perhaps you’re growing tired of always counting calories and making sure you eat the same foods? For many diabetics, it’s just easy to eat the same things day in and day out because they know it’s safe. They understand how their body reacts to them and there are no surprises.

And if you are like this and don’t mind, great, you’ve found what works.

But for others, they want more. They want to venture out. They want to open a recipe book, choose a recipe, and not have to worry about calculating everything out.

Is that even possible? Can you actually start trying out new recipes without worry

The answer is yes and no. Yes because it’s definitely possible not to be confined to the same foods over and over again, but no because you do still need to keep a few things in mind. The good news is, if you do keep these in mind, however, you’ll find it’s not nearly as bad as you imagined.

Here’s how to pick out those recipes to prepare without obsessing.

1. Focus On Fiber

The first thing you need to do is put more emphasis on fiber. Remember that fiber helps to slow the release of sugar in the bloodstream, so even if there is a bit of sugar in the recipe, you might be able to keep things under control if enough fiber is there as well.

So look for recipes that call for more high fiber ingredients. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and so on. These are the ones you want to choose more often.

2. Count Ingredients

Next, also look at how many ingredients are in the recipe you’re looking at.

The more ingredients a recipe contains, the more processed it tends to be overall. While this isn’t always the case, usually it is. Choose recipes that only use a few ingredients and those ingredients do all come from natural food sources as much as possible.

3. Think Protein And Fats

Next, also consider proteins and fats. While fiber helps to slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream, protein and fats considerably slow down the digestion process.

So if the meal you’re planning includes both protein and fats, this will also go a long way towards helping minimize the degree in which you need to be worried about any potential sugar you might eat.

It’s always a good idea to get into the practice of eating a balanced mix of macros in each meal you have, so getting those proteins and fats up will help you optimize the rest of your dietary intake as well.

If you follow these general guidelines as you scan recipes, you should be able to find many that will work just fine for your diet where you don’t need to be obsessive about the sugar content.