A Candy-Lovers Guide To Controlling Diabetes

Are you someone with a serious sweet tooth? Are you struggling to give up eating the delicious candy that you love so much? If so, you aren’t alone.

Candy is something that many people crave but is, unfortunately, bad news for diabetics. Since it’s mostly all sugar, you’re doing yourself no favors by eating it. Expect a diabetic complication if you eat too much of it.

While you can just use portion control and eat only a piece or two, there are other options to satisfy your sweet tooth. While these choices are not candy, they may be just as good. And they’ll have far less of an impact on your blood sugar levels.

Here are the options to consider.

1. Chocolate-Covered Almonds

One of the options that is a better choice than candy if you must have something sweet is chocolate-covered almonds. Who doesn’t love chocolate? And there really isn’t a ton of chocolate on those. Inside the core, you have almonds, which are definitely a healthy choice. So, you get a nice combination of healthy fats with a little bit of protein and just a small dose of sugar from the chocolate.

Note though, these are quite calorie-dense, so you will want to limit yourself to just a couple.

2. Sugar-Free Jell-O Candy

The second option is some sugar-free Jell-O candy. While you can just make the Jell-O itself as directed, if you want a gummier texture, try adding two packets of unflavored gelatin in as well. Do this and you’ll be left with much thicker Jell-O that tastes virtually the same as your favorite gummy candies.

It also keeps well in the fridge, so make a big batch and have a piece whenever your candy craving strikes.

3. Fruit

Fruit is another great substitute. This is obviously the healthiest suggestion here because fruit comes loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients, so try and choose it whenever you can.

Fruit can be part of almost any healthy diet, so pair it with some nut butter to help control your blood glucose levels and make this a regular snack in your day.

There you have three delicious options to help you control your sweet tooth and ensure that you are not feeling too deprived on your diet plan. It’s important to never completely ignore your cravings but instead try and work with them to find a solution.