Here are several guides that further expound upon DFCI's intricacies and systems. These are long but very informative, you've been warned! Click the banners to view the guides. They can also be accessed through the site's side menu.

Neutral in DFCI is unlike any other, focusing on a mix of airborne footsies and grounded movement. This primer goes over the core elements of movement and how they interact with each other, along with the importance and application of each one.

This primer takes a more basic and direct look specifically at meter and blast application. The purpose of the guide is to help you develop a strategy revolving the use of two of your primary resources in the game which is your blast and meter.

The second half of this primer covers the level of importance of each resource when all are available and the order in which they should be used for optimal resource management going into the second and third round.

Power Up Blast is undoubtedly the most important Blast type in DFCI, however when used haphazaradly it can work against your favor and possibly deter you from trying to use it. In this guide we will go over basic use cases and cover various situations in which Power Up Blast can be used.

Knowing when and how to use Reflection Guard is essential to creating gaps in pressure and escaping otherwise inescapable situations. This guide covers a variety of situations and how to properly use Reflection Guard in each one.

Players unfamilar with a pushblock type mechanic can be easily perplexed as it can be very tricky to use effectively and when used preemptively can lead to unwanted buttons. In this guide SK talks about how to visually confirm using pushblock as a safe way to prevent those unwanted situations.

Anti airing can be one of the most challenging things to do in DFCI, especially when your character doesn't have a good grounded anti air. In this write up SK goes over how to approach anti airs from an overall point of view so you can stop letting the opponent jump in for free.

Round start escape blast is something that happens accidentally more often than we'd like it to. The situation that follows is a rough one as it puts the player at a huge disadvantage and at times can be a huge de-motivator for the rest of the round. This guide can give you better mental insight on how to approach the situation in the future and give you a better idea of how to problem solve it in your next match.

Frustrated from your opponent using AB attacks and not being able to counter them? This guide details how clashes occur and the multitude of options of how to counter them.

Did that hit left or right!? In this primer we will go over how cross up protection can be avoided, thus creating ambiuguous left/right mixup.

Details about the inner-workings of attack and defense buffs may seem trivial at a glance, but when combined with the resource management and decision making towards the end of a round it can prove crucial in determining whether your combo will take the round or leave the opponent with a sliver of health and potentially start their comeback. This section covers what affects damage and defense values in DFCI.

Like any other fighting game, option selects exist to cover various situations whether it be used offensively or defensively. This section covers the available techniques in DFCI as well as the pros and cons of each one.

For system frame data and other related information this is the place you want to check out!