Intervention Resources

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

.Trauma-Focused CBT: A Culturally- Modified Therapy to Work with Latino Children and Youths (Echevarría, 2020)

Culturally-Modified TF-CBT Training (Echevarria, 2020)

This session discussed the Culturally Modified-Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CM-TFT), an Evidence-Based Therapy proven to be effective for Hispanic and Latina/o/x/e children and adolescents that experienced traumatic events. The adaptations (CM-TFT) include culture specific topics like spirituality, gender roles, family, personalism, respect, among other cultural elements. The therapy's main goals are to identify trauma experiences, provide psychoeducation, increase affect regulation, identify cultural considerations, process adverse experiences in a safe environment, in-vivo exposure and to enhance safety. A recording of this webinar can be found here

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)



Emotion Regulation

Mood Monitoring

Behavior Activation

Cognitive Restructuring

Crisis Intervention


Family-Focused and Family-Based Approaches

The Multidimensional Ecosystemic Comparative Approach (MECA; Falicov, 2017) is a practice and theory-based framework useful for assessment and treatment by taking into account the special characteristics of Latina/o/x/e communities and the impact of migration on core family relationships. A sample chapter of the book can be found here

These are handouts that can be helpful in using MECA to compare the cultural and contextual maps of the of the family, the clinician, and supervisor. Awareness of these maps underscores the partial perspectives that color our cultural and contextual observations and ultimately influence our interventions (Falicov, 2014). See here for a guide on the maps

This Latina/o/x/e MultiFamily Group Program Manual (Kopelowicz & Backer, 2011) provides guidance and background information to help clinical staff and family facilitators in mental health agencies implement a program for involving Spanish-speaking Latina/o/x/e families in mental health services for adolescents.

La Cultura Cura Transformational Health and Healing

1. La Cultura Cura - Transformational Health and Healing Slides Handout (Maestro Tello, 3.03.23).pdf