Anti-Racism Toolkits

Becoming Anti-Racist

The guide created by Babe Kawaii-Bogue, PhD, LCSW (2020) offers general strategies for combating anti-Blackness in typical organizations; offers specific strategies for addressing these issues in mental healthcare; and offers additional resources to facilitate continued anti-racism work. 

This guide was created with a focus on BlPOC mental health to be utilized by clinicians, patients/clients, and allies. This resource guide is comprehensive; however, not exhaustive. This guide contains recommendations for apps, books, podcasts, websites, therapist directories, and other resources.

Compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, and Alyssa Klein in May 2020, this guide serves as a resource to white people and parents/caregivers to deepen our anti-racism work. Includes recommendations for books, podcasts, articles, websites, videos, films, organizations to follow, and other anti-racism resources. 

Resources to Support and Respond to Current Events 

Engaging in AntiRacist Teaching and Learning

Dorlee Michaeli, LCSW put together a round-up of various anti-racist resources, which includes webinars as well as many recommended anti-racism books, articles, toolkits, videos, movies/TV shows, podcasts and self care resources.

SAHM’s Diversity Committee has created this toolkit to provide access to resources to help adolescent health professionals combat racism, promote racial justice, reduce health disparities, and advance health equity for youth. 

The Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) provides a complete list of resources, materials, and helpful links shared in their Supporting School Mental Health in the Context of Racial Violence

Family Equality seeks to empower families to deepen their anti-racism work through tangible, age-appropriate action ranging from coloring book pages to writing elected officials.

In July 2020, Mental Health America (MHA)  has developed content on resources specifically for Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC); handouts on racism and mental health and racial trauma.